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Koi Guarantee and Refund Policy
Please note that all koi purchases are final, and shipping charges for koi are non-refundable.
Packaging and Shipping Process - On Arrival - Refunds and Replacement Koi
Changes in Pattern - Koi Holding
Packaging and Shipping Process
Once your order is received, your koi are netted out of their current ponds and into our sold pond until shipment. During this move, the fish are checked for any health issues, body deformities and pattern differences from their photo. Then, for 24 hours prior to shipment, the koi are starved so as to reduce the amount of pollution in their water during transportation. Finally, the koi are packaged and then shipped with an overnight before-midday courier service.
This packaging process involves bagging the koi in two 200-gauge polythene fish transportation bags with clean, temperature acclimated water and then filling the bags with oxygen and sealing them tightly. The bag is then placed into a double-walled cardboard box that is manufactured with superior grade twin-fluted corrugated board for extra strength and durability.
The koi are then shipped with APC Overnight courier service so that the koi are boxed for less than 24 hours. However, please be aware that the courier service is not guaranteed and although 99% of our customer’s purchases are received before midday, very occasionally a koi shipment is delivered late. In order to ensure the health and wellbeing of our koi, our packaging procedure is designed to allow koi to survive in the shipment boxes for up to 48 hours.
On Arrival
Once your koi have arrived, immediately open the box carefully and remove the bag with your new koi. Please be aware that the koi bag fills the entire box so take care when opening the box not to pierce the bag inside. Once the bag has been removed, float the bag on the top of your pond for 20-30 minutes to ensure the new koi are at the same temperature as your pond.
Meanwhile, prepare a bucket, bowl or tub big enough for the koi bag to sit inside. Once the temperatures have been equalised (you can check this using a laser thermometer through the bag if you have one), open the bags and release the contents, the water and the fish, into your prepared bowl, tub or bucket. Once the fish have been taken out of the bag, you can then carefully release them into your pond either using a net or by hand.
It is important not to get any of the water from the bag into your pond as it will be full of harmful pollution and bacteria from the overnight shipment and this will just dirty your water and add extra strain to your filter unnecessarily. This only applies for koi that have been delivered with our courier company, less care is required regarding the dirty water for koi that have been collected from our premises as the koi will have been in the bag for a much shorter period of time and therefore there is much less pollution in the bag.
Once your new fish have been released into your pond, we recommend allowing them time to settle in and keeping a close eye on them to ensure that they are happy and healthy. You are welcome to try them with a small amount of food once they have settled in but they may not eat until the day after delivery if they are particularly stressed so ensure that any uneaten food is removed after 5 minutes to avoid pollution in the water. If you are concerned at all with the condition or health of any of your new koi, please contact us as soon as possible. For more information, please see the ‘Refunds and Replacement Koi’ section below.
The boxing and transportation process can be quite stressful for koi and it is possible that you may see some signs of stress when you unbox your new koi either with their pattern or their behaviour. The colours of particularly vibrant koi may have faded a little. Light coloured and white koi may appear pink in places, especially Tancho Kohaku koi while dark coloured and black koi may appear lighter. The koi themselves may be particularly jumpy or even underactive, it is common for new koi to ‘sulk’ at the bottom of the pond for the first few days.
This is nothing to be concerned about. Koi are just exhausted and stressed from their long journey. The best thing to do is to ensure the pond is well oxygenated and the salt level is at 0.3-0.5% which will allow them to recover quickly. If the koi are particularly jumpy, ensure that you have a suitable jump guard to prevent koi from jumping out of your pond. You can also lower the water level for the first few days to help with this. Most koi will return to normal, both in their colouration and in their behaviour, within a few days but some can take up to 2 weeks to recover from their journey. If you are concerned with your koi, please get in touch as soon as possible.
Refunds and Replacement Koi
During the packaging and shipping process, we will aim to identify any issues with the koi as early as possible and contact you regarding a replacement as soon as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes issues are not noticed until the day of shipment and if this is the case we will contact you as soon as possible regarding a replacement, but we cannot guarantee that your shipment will still be delivered on the scheduled day as we cannot ensure that any replacement koi have been starved for 24 hours prior to shipment.
If for any reason, your koi are unfit for shipment, we will let you know as soon as possible and you will have the following options:
A full refund of the affected koi (and the delivery charge only if the whole shipment is cancelled in the case of an order of only one koi).
Credit towards a replacement koi. For koi up to the value of £200, we will offer you credit of the value of the koi plus an additional £10. For koi between £200 and £500, we will offer you credit of the value of the koi plus an additional £20. For koi over £500, credit will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
If the issue with the koi is temporary, free holding and treatment of the koi until the condition improves enough for the koi to be shipped.
We care greatly for all the animals in our care and only ship koi when we are certain that they are in the best possible health for transportation however, occasionally, koi do pass away in transit or shortly after due to the stress they are put under during that time. Unfortunately, as koi are live animals, we cannot guarantee the condition of our koi on arrival. We do, however, ensure the koi are in the best health when they leave us, implement a rigorous packing procedure to give the fish the best chance possible and we have a fantastic success rate in our koi deliveries with very few issues.
If any of your koi are DOA (Dead On Arrival) please take a photo of the fish and contact us as soon as possible after delivery of your koi. We are happy to arrange a full refund of the affected fish (not including delivery charges) as long as we are contacted within 24 hours of the koi being delivered.
If you are concerned with the health of any of your koi on arrival, please let us know as soon as possible. We can offer full refunds for koi that die from health-related causes within 7 days of delivery but we must be informed with 24 hours of delivery that there is an issue. We will then stay in touch to offer support and advice up until the fish make a full recovery or passes away.
If any of your koi have a disease such as flukes, costia, dropsy etc on arrival and this is proven by examination a skin scrape within 48 hours of delivery, we will offer a refund equal to the cost of the most appropriate treatment where the cost is our current sale price on our website.
Changes in Pattern
It is important to remember that koi are livestock and so their appearance is subject to change. In particular, the pattern may develop and change in unexpected ways and some varieties are more prone to this than others. Please note that pattern changes happen often as koi develop and therefore, such koi are excluded from our refund policy.
The photos on our website are regularly updated and so no photo is older than six months. We aim to represent our koi as accurately as possible but occasionally a koi develops and changes significantly between the photo being taken and the koi being sold. In these instances, we will endeavour to inform you before your koi are shipped. You are welcome to contact us before purchasing any of our koi to discuss how old the photo of the koi is and if it has changed significantly.
Koi Holding
We understand that sometimes it is not the best time to be taking new koi home. Maybe you are in the middle of a pond upgrade, or you’re away on holiday or many other reasons but you really want that new koi. When you purchase any koi from us, either on our website or at our premises, we are more than happy to hold the koi for you, free of charge, for up to 14 days from purchase. Full payment is required to secure any of our koi up to the value of £200. For koi over the value of £200, the koi can be secured with a deposit, please get in touch to discuss. After 14 days of holding, we charge the following fees per fish to hold your koi which allow us to cover their food and expenses:
£5.00 per week for koi up to 20cm
£7.50 per week for koi between 20cm and 39cm
£10.00 per week for koi over 40cm
Please note that these fees are based on the advertised size of the koi, that is the measurement of the koi at the time that the photo is taken and it is uploaded to our website. This means that for a koi measuring 19cm, for example, we will only charge £5.00 per week throughout the holding period even if it grows over 20cm in our care.
During the holding period, we will continue to provide your koi with the great level of care that all of our koi receive which includes, but is not limited to, regular feedings, pond salting and treatments when necessary. All of our ponds also receive daily inspections which often allow us to catch issues early and regular skin scrapes from random fish to check for flukes and parasites. We will also do a health check specifically looking for wounds and diseases just before your koi is due to be shipped or collected to ensure that they are in the best possible health for you.
Of course, as these are live animals, we cannot guarantee the condition of any fish at any point however, we have fantastic success rates with our koi and will endeavour to keep you informed of any updates and issues that arise during the holding period of your koi. If for any reason, your koi become unfit for sale we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss, at which point you will have the same options as detailed above in the ‘Refunds and Replacement Koi’ section.
Please note that koi whose pattern has changed significantly during a holding period are excluded from our refund policy. For more information, please see the ‘Changes in Pattern’ section above.